How many times have you heard, "Live Life With No Regrets, Only Lessons Learned." In my opinion, if we do things that put put anyone or more importantly ourselves at a disadvantage, we have to be sorry and make amends. Being apologetic doesn't mean that you're weak. In fact, a true a apology is one of the best manifestations of a strong character, superior judgment and integrity.
We must take care though to observe the process and it's correct administration. Don't dwell on the past and it's mistakes. Make it right (even with yourself) and move on. This is paramount, or else we'll just keep making the same mistakes over and over. What is the purpose of learning lessons if they wont be used for character building and wisdom? For the sake of knowledge? Rubbish. Maybe if we put them to use we wouldn't make the same mistakes over and over. Ignoring the mistakes, leaving them unevaluated and unresolved only leaves us susceptible to making them again.. "Live Life With No Regrets, Only Lessons Learned." = B.S... Something to think about...Be Genuinely Sorry, Learn Lessons, Move On Whilst Applying These Lessons...@ least that's how I see it.