A trap, a cage, a prison? A deliberate attempt and clever attempt to fool the trapped into thinking they're actually free...until the side effects begin to surface..It's different from the traditional snares whose evils can normally be spotted from a thousand miles away..In order to escape I have to define it..By the time I think about it, it's time to engage in another of its supposed liberties..I guess human nature would be the closest thing to an excuse for this behavior..but..what is there to escape from? How can a myriad of side effects compare to a few hours, @ times minutes, of 'fun'? Suddenly, while writing this, I realize that this is not new...It's been happening forever..What's new is my resolve to escape, which I must do, in order to 'live', but then again, time is promised to no man. Shucks...All I have is now!
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