Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The 1st 5 days....

The first 5 days of May have been quite insightful. I didn't know so much could happen in a few days. My eyes were opened, my thinking cleared and my resolve to continue to be who I am heightened. These past few days have really shown me why I chose to be who I am now. But as if I didn't know the before, I too had forgotten the watchwords. Compromise and sacrifice filled my thoughts. Though not bad concepts or behavior patterns, I implore you to only engage in which is profitable and reciprocated and/or worthwhile or else it will have been in vain unless of course it is for the god of whichever belief system you choose to subscribe to.

Another lesson learned from these past few days is that loyalty counts for a whole lot. As the watchwords go, "Death Before Dishonor", these are words I live by and will continue to live by. It is completely nonsensical to have you allegiance scattered in many places. Be defined, be accurate, be sure, be confident and don't place your satisfaction and confidence in the pursuit of success because if that fades you're in for a breakdown which you may not recover from.

Finally, words were made to be said, whether loosely or for meaningful purposes. Most people say things fitting for their particular situation which is not in itself a bad thing. When it is used to cover up true feelings, and repeated, that is when one becomes fake, a liar, and somewhat a thief. In the case of relationships, you are a fake because you're not showing the true you to your "partner", you're a liar because you utter misleading statements and make untrue bodily gestures to send across the message which strays from the truth and a thief in the sense that you swindle time under false pretenses. I have learned that if you do this, you will pay dearly, if not before your death, in the judgment. But hey, that's my opinion. But think of the Golden Rule. And then think of instances in which we are forbidden to render evil for evil.

Well..summer is upon us and this shall be an eventful summer..I assure you..
PC Out!

1 comment:

  1. dude.....you alright? you sound like you ready to jump off a cliff.
