I think I'm so weird because I get lots and lots of epiphanies daily..They usually last for a minute or two and at best I think about them for a couple hours. Then I snap back from reality into my little space. Where it's comfy and easier to deal with stuff. But, just today, I had one that I was unable to shrug off. When I tried to factor in the pros and cons along with the cost of ignoring it, it was indeed cheaper to throw it to the wind. But the catch would be that in the long run I'd end up with a few good stories and a whole truck load of regrets. There is no easy way to do what I must, but in order to influence the amount of good stories and regrets I end up with, I must. In this case, working hard and working smartly have no difference between them because they both cost the same. If I had ignored this..bleak future huh?damn...
Don't ignore your epiphanies...you just might be on to something...
Beak-ups have a way of evoking epiphanies. In the attempt to restructure your life, u must realize the need for change!