Since we're on this time subject I wanna post a poem I wrote earlier this year....Don't take it for yourself..the copyright is in order..
Time & Sound
You're everything I'm not & everything I'm supposed to be
Blessed and cursed be the day that you found me
Or was it me that found you on that night while I yearned
But happiness and sadness were the things I mostly earned
Happy that we shared some of the most treasured times in my years
Sad that the spectrum is closing and may be followed by tears
Elated that we share a bond best described divine
Depressed that there is a chance that you'll never be mine
I had searched for a love so pure for oh so long
I've found it sweety, your heart beat is my song
You're my pulse, if you should go I'd die a horrid death
Save room for my love sweet cheeks, don't leave just yet.
Its critical, so is the decision that I want you to make
It's my love I wanna give you, my heart I want you to take.
Come away with me my sweet, into pleasures of heaven untold,
My love it is guaranteed even if love's tempest should unfold!
I'm here waiting, if you want me, come get me now
I'm waiting my princess, I wont move a brow.
I'm not gonna leave, I wont budge, but time might bid me depart
So now I will declare, I love You with all of Me, even the ventricles of my heart.