Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Find a way....

Are you held captive by affectionate tendencies at the behest of love? Freedom to think positively taken away by past mishaps? What are you then to do? Where is the freedom you were promised? Where is the joy that used to cover a ten mile radius from where you stood?
Well the funny thing about life is that it doesn't choose for you. It seems like it does but it doesn't. You can say no. You can say yes. You can say frig this. You can say I love you. Don't let it stop you. There is no rule written in stone saying that you have to wait for happiness or that you have to pursue the same. Don't take life too seriously though because no one gets out alive anyway. I personally don't think there can be a perfect world right now so suck it up and make the best decisions possible. I think we face trial and shit to help keep us in check. Your situations may be more messed up than others. Sadness might have forcibly become your favorite emotion. Suicide might have crossed your minds and if you're stupid enough to wanna slit that wrist let me show you how. But in the case that you wanna continue living for the few thrills we do get just know that it doesn't have to always be like that. Make the decisions and if you can't, ask for help. At the end of the day it's what makes you happy that matters. And If you can't find a way out, find a way further in.


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